So, yesterday, I got a comment, from one of the subscribers in which, he said the explanation, he liked my videos more, its because I take advantage of subtitles all told of them and this, let me wondering. It only takes me a second or two to generate subtitles.. then hit me, Maybe people don’t know, you'll generate subtitles automatically. Hi, there this is jhagruth once again and in this article, we’ll see an easy way. To automatically create subtitles and closed captions for your YouTube videos or any video for that if you've got a far off movie clip whose subtitles don't seem to be on the web This method might work. If somebody, who makes money by transcribing videos on Fiverr or even this trick will make your life lots easier---- Now, If you're interested only within the workaround move to the timestamps, you see on the screen.
But I suggest you read the complete article
you won't definitely learn many new things But my article count, will
increase, making this article rank higher (haha) --- So, most guides on the
internet suggest you write down the captions manually, Some popular blogs even
suggest, paying 5$ on Fiverr And then there are companies like rev, that are
charging $1 for 1 minute of captions. I mean common, We reside within
the world of AI and Still, companies are charging for the product
that is in hot water-free. ---But guess what, You
don’t should do, any of that. Right now, I’m telling the
identical method to automatically generate subtitles for any video. And
yes, It’s free you don’t need to download any extra software And it
works for both Windows and Mac. Now, this is often cool.
But does one know what’s awesome?
Well, It also works with other
languages than English as an example Agar me Hindi me Colunga, Tub
bhi ye kaam Karenga. Although to be honest, it’s still not 100% accurate But if
you speak clearly, you can easily get 80-90% accuracy so, you have to
spend a second or two to present finally touch. ----Ok so
what’s the trick? Well, Like
always, Google has a lot of tricks hidden in it selves And one in
all those is that the voice feature in Google drive. Its default
function is -- You speak and google will convert that into text But if you
are attempting that, Most of your word will be lost because
of background noise and you won’t get accuracy But, what if it’s listening
directly from the videos I.e. the output of your computer becomes the input for
Google voice to text Sounds interesting. So, let’s see the way
to make this. macOS this time, let’s start with Mac first.
Most systems
don’t allow you to record your computer audio Maybe that's due
to piracy or something So, you may download a 3rd party
software called soundflower. The steps are simple Open any browser and download
sunflower. Then unzip it and install it on your computer. Next, you
wish to inform MacOS to use the output audio as input
So attend sound settings and set sound flower 2ch on both input and
output If are wondering what this 64 ch is for? Well, I don’t know either but,
what I do know is it won’t work with this. So follow 2ch. On output
and input Now, awaken Google chrome ( and yes, it only works in
Chrome) Open Google docs Create a replacement document Tools >
Voice typing In another tab, open YouTube and play any video
Now return to Google drive select your accent And there start
recording And there you go. Long doesn’t work that well due to background music
But if the song has no or little music than it works well.
Windows Now,
let’s do this on windows attend your windows sound settings
and select recording device And there you must see stereo mix if you
don’t right-click and switch on Show disable devices so st
Stereo mix, as default. Now, let’s check it. Open Chrome and create a
brand new document Play a video > and begin recording. Pretty
cool right? However, if the stereo mix isn't supported by your audio
driver And nowadays, it’s hard to seek out this
selection you'll be able to take a look at my other video,
Tough, I’ve tested this therewith method,
I’m undecided how this is often visiting play. But, If you
have got love with a mac you'll always borrow it from
someone (buy them a couple of drinks) Add a caption to all or any your
video directly. It’s worthwhile. ---- So, this article is
inspired by the comments I got yesterday. If you wish me to reveal
all my little known practice on youtube. Just let me know. So, that's just
about it. I’ll see you within the next one and like always thank